Ab-Solute Pilates

Our bodies are like fingerprints...no two are exactly alike. At Ab-solute Pilates, we will create a complete workout designed specifically for YOU...depending on your needs and goals. Ask about one on one sessions and classes.

Call us at 919-374-1101 for or contact us more information.

Romana's Pilates Certified

The Ab-solute Pilates instructors are Romana's Pilates certified. We were taught using techniques that are as close to the original teaching as is available anywhere in the world. As Romana's Pilates Instructors, we are required to attend and perform at annual continuing pilates education seminars and workshops in order to maintain our certifications. We encourage you to come in for personal, one on one instruction whether you are just starting or have advanced training as an athlete.

Endurance and Muscular Development

Pilates exercise, endorsed by physicians, orthopedists, chiropractors and physical therapists, has been integrated into rehab programs to accelerate recovery of soft-tissue injuries.

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