What Our Client's Say

Call us at 919-374-1101 or contact us today.

Individual Sessions And Classes Are Available.

I had been dealing with hip problems for several years. Some days were more painful than others until I started Pilates 3 months ago. Working with Sheri has allow me to regain my active lifestyle. I am back walking 2 to 3 miles and playing tennis twice a week with no to very little pain. In addition, my body is changing and I feel great. Sheri is so knowledgeable and incredibly kind and caring and she and I are restoring me to good health.

Thanks Sheri!
– B. Rogers

Pilates is the best, most comprehensive, least painful workout I have ever had. Rather than feeling sore after a workout, I feel sore when I skip a workout. Nothing else I have ever done has made me feel as great as I do when actively following through with a routine. Sheri is a lifesaver! She listens to what I have to say about my body. Furthermore, she has excellent body awareness that helps her decide which exercises would benefit my body. I started working with Sheri in 2008. My body shape changed for the better and I have never felt stronger. I have previously taken group classes in a gym. Sheri’s instruction surpasses any gym instruction.

– C. Gutierrez

I don’t know how to thank you enough. I’ve tried all sorts of exercise programs in the hopes of finding some relief for my Rheumatoid Arthritis. Add scoliosis to that diagnosis and my body was weak and in pain most of the time. I can’t believe how good I feel and how much stronger I am in a few short months! As another positive side-effect, I’m a singer and Pilates has helped me to breath deeper and have better breath control. This is much better than going to physical therapy twice a week for joint adjustments…and more fun, too!!! I feel safe with you and know you have my health and best interest at heart and wouldn’t ask me to do anything that would injure me. Plus, you have a very kind way of working me hard and at the same time correcting movements or body positions that might cause me injury. I’m so glad I found you and Pilates!

– K. Nolan